A few extra items concerned with how we conceptualize and diagnose mental health problems


Angel, K. (2012) Contested psychiatric ontology and feminist critique: 'Female Sexual Dysfunction' and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, History of the Human Sciences, 25, (3): 3-24.


Asherton, P. Timimi, S. & Moncrieff, J. (2010) Is ADHD a valid diagnosis in adults, British Medical Journal 340: 736-737.


Bernstein, C.A. (2011) Meta-Structure in DSM-5 Process Psychiatric News 46, (5): 7.


Burstow, B. (2005) A critique of post-traumatic stress disorder and DSM, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 45,(4): 429-455.


Cinnirella, M. & Loewenthal, K.M. (1999) Religious and ethnic group influences on beliefs about mental illness: A qualitative interview study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 72: 505–524.


Coveney, C.M., Nerlich, B. & Martin, P. (2009) Modafinil in the media: Metaphors, medicalisation and the body, Social Science & Medicine, 68: 487–495


Crowe, M. (2008) Personality disorders: illegitimate subject positions, Nursing Inquiry, 15, (3): 216–223.


Dean, C.E. (in press) Psychopharmacology: a house divided, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2010.08.028


Epperson, C.N., Steiner, M., Hartlage, S.A., Eriksson, E., Schmidt, P.J., Jones, I. & Yonkers, K.A. (2012) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Evidence for a New Category for DSM-5, American Journal of Psychiatry, 169, (5):465-75.


Everett, B. (1994) Something is happening: The contemporary consumer and psychiatric survivor movement in historical context, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1-2), 55-70.


Filho, A.S., Hetem, L.A.B., Ferrari, M.C.F., Trzesniak, C., Martn-Santos, R., Borduqui, T., de Lima Osoio, F., Loureiro, S.R., Busatto-Filho, G., Zuardi, A.W. & Crippa, J.A.S. (2010) Social anxiety disorder: what are we losing with the current diagnostic criteria? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 121: 216–226.


Garfinkel, H. (1956) Conditions of Successful Degradation Ceremonies, The American Journal of Sociology, 61, (5): 420-424.


Giles, D.C. & Newbold, J. (2011) Self- and Other-Diagnosis in User-Led Mental Health Online Communities, Qualitative Health Research, 21(3) 419–428.


Hancock, J.T., Woodworth, M.T. and Porter, S. (2011) Hungry like the wolf: A word-pattern analysis of the language of psychopaths, Legal and Criminological Psychology (in press) DOI: 10.1111/j.2044-8333.2011.02025.x


Hopton, J. (2006) The future of critical psychiatry, Critical Social Policy, 26, (1): 57-73.


Isaacs, D. (2006) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Are we medicating for social disadvantage? Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 42: 544–547.


Jones, D.W. (2002) Madness, the family and psychiatry, Critical Social Policy, 22, (2): 247–272.


Keller, W.R., Fischer, B.A. & Carpenter, W.T. (2011) Revisiting the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia: Where have we been and Where are We Going? CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 17: 83–88.


Kessler, R.C., Berglund, P., Demler, O., Jin, R., Merikangas, K.R. and Walters, E.E. (2005) Lifetime Prevalence and Age-of-Onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, Archives of General Psychiatry, 62: 593-602.

Kinghorn, W.A. (2011)  Whose Disorder?: A Constructive MacIntyrean Critique of Psychiatric Nosology, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 36: 187–205.


Kvaternik, I. & Grebenc, V. (2009) The role of social work in the field of mental health: dual diagnoses as a challenge for social workers, European Journal of Social Work, 12, (4): 509-521.


Mazeh, D., Bodner, E., Weizman, R., Delayahu, Y., Cholostoy, A., Martin, T. & Barak,. Y.  (2009) Co-morbid social; phobia in schizophrenia International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 55, (3): 198–202


McPherson, S.& Armstrong, D. (2009) Negotiating ‘depression’ in primary care: A qualitative study, Social Science & Medicine 69: 1137–1143.


Mirowsky, J. (1990) Subjective boundaries and combinations in psychiatric diagnosis, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4): 407-424.


Pam, A. (1994) The new schizophrenia: Diagnosis and dynamics of the homeless mentally ill, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (3): 199-222. 


Pilgrim, D. (2002) The biopsychosocial model in Anglo-American psychiatry: Past, present and future? Journal of Mental Health, 11, (6): 585–594.


Pilgrim, D., & Bentall, R. (1999) The medicalisation of misery: a critical realist analysis of the concept of depression. Journal of Mental Health, 8 (3): 261–274.


Pilgrim, D. & Rogers, A. (2009) Survival and its discontents: the case of British psychiatry, Sociology of Health & Illness, 31: 947–961.


Scott, S. (2006) The medicalisation of shyness: from social misfits to social fitness, Sociology of Health & Illness, 28: 133–153.


Skultans, V. (2007) The appropriation of suffering: Psychiatric practice in the post Soviet clinic Theory Culture and Society, 24: 27-48.


Summerfield, D. (2006) Depression: epidemic or pseudo-epidemic? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 99: 161-162.


Summerfield, D. (2008) How scientifically valid is the knowledge base of global mental health? British Medical Journal, 336: 992-994.


Summerfield, D. & Veale, D. (2008) In debate: Proposals for massive expansion of psychological therapies would be counterproductive across society, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 192: 326–330.


Timimi, S. (2004) A Critique of the International Consensus Statement on ADHD, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 7, (1): 59-63.


Timimi, S. and Leo, J. (2009) Introduction In Timimi, S. & Leo, J. (Ed.) Rethinking ADHD: From brain to culture, London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Timimi, S. & Taylor, E. (2004) ADHD is best understood as a cultural construct, British Journal of Psychiatry, 184: 8-9.


Verhaak, P.F.M., Schellevis, F.G., Nuijen, J. and Volkers, A.C. (2006) Patients with a psychiatric disorder in general practice: determinants of general practitioners’ psychological diagnosis, General Hospital Psychiatry, 28: 125–132.


Visser, J. & Jehan, Z (2009) ADHD: a scientific fact or a factual opinion? A critique of the veracity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 14, (2): 127-140.


Wheeler, (2010)  Critique of the article by Visser and Jehan (2009): ‘ADHD: a scientific fact or a factual opinion? A critique of the veracity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’ Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 15, (3): 257–267.


Whiteley, R. (2012) The Antipsychiatry Movement: Dead, Diminishing, or Developing? Psychiatric Services, 63, (10): 1039-1041.


Whooley, O. (2010) Diagnostic ambivalence: psychiatric workarounds and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Sociology of Health & Illness, 32, (3): 452–469.


Wisdom, J.P. & Green, C.A. (2004) “Being in a Funk”: Teens’ Efforts to Understand Their Depressive Experiences, Qualitative Health Research, 14: 1227-1238.


Wittchen, H.U., Jacobi, F., Rehm, J., Gustavsson, A., Svensson, M., Jönsson, B., Olesen, J., Allgulander, C., Alonso, J., Faravelli, C. Fratiglioni, F., Jennum, P., Lieb, R., Maercker, A., van Os, J., Preisig, M., Salvador-Carulla, L., Simon, R. & Steinhausen, H.C. (2011) The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 2010. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 21: 655-679.


Woolfolk, R. (2001) The Concept of Mental Illness: An Analysis of Four Pivotal Issues The Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 22, (2), 161-178.


Zachar, P. (2000) Psychiatric disorders are not natural kinds, Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 7, (3): 167-182.