A few resources about policing and mental health


Cummins, I. (2006) A Path Not Taken? Mentally Disordered Offenders and the Criminal Justice System', Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 28, (3), 267 - 281.


Cummins, I. (2008) A place of safety? Self-harming behaviour in police custody, Journal of Adult Protection, 10 (1): 36-47.


Elonheimo, H., Niemela, S., Parkkola, K. Multima, P. Helenius, H., Nuutila, A. & Sourander, A. (2007) Police-registered offenses and psychiatric disorders among young males: The Finnish ‘‘From a boy to a man’’ birth cohort study, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42:477–484.


Fisher, J.E. (2007) Mental health nurses: De facto police, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 16: 230–235.


Hartford, K., Carey, R. Mendonca, J. (2006) Pre-arrest Diversion of People with Mental Illness: Literature Review and International Survey, Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 24, 845–856.


Lee, S., Brunero, S., Fairbrother, G. & Cowan, D. (2008) Profiling police presentations of mental health consumers to an emergency department, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 17: 311–316


McGilloway, S. & Donnely, M.(2004) Mental illness in the UK criminal justice system: A police liaison scheme for Mentally Disordered Offenders in Belfast, Journal of Mental Health, 13, (3), 263 – 275.


Shon, P.C.H. & Arrigo, B.A. (2006) Reality-based television and police–citizen encounters, Punishment and Society, 8, (1), 59–85


Swanson, J.W., Swartz, M.S., Elbogen, E.B., Van Dorn, R.A., Wagner, H.R., Moser, L.A., Wilder, C. & Gilbert, A.R. (2008) Psychiatric advance directives and reduction of coercive crisis interventions, Journal of Mental Health, 17, (3): 255–267.


Teller, J.L.S., Munetz, M.R., Gil, K.M. & Ritter, C. (2006) Crisis Intervention Team Training for Police Officers Responding to Mental Disturbance Calls, Psychiatric Services, 57, (2), 232-237.


Watson, A.C., Morabito, M.S., Draine, J. & Ottati, V. (2008) Improving police response to persons with mental illness: A multi-level conceptualization of CIT, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31: 359–368.


White, M.D., Goldkamp, J.S. & Campbell, S.P. (2006) Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in the Criminal Justice System, The Prison Journal, 86, (3), 301-326